455kis00100/L 1996/10/12 09:24:09 前へ 後へ 上へ

KISS>"Tatchy and Kotchy" from "Ranma"

(Kunou Tatewaki and Kunou Kodachi from "Ranma 1/2")
Copyright 1995 Rumiko Takahashi / Shogakukan, Inc.
Registered trademarks of Viz Communications, Inc.
Distribute Freely Anywhere, Charge No Money
This data set by Dov Sherman
FKISS and plain KISS versions provided


                        Visit the Big KISS Page at
                 for KISS dolls, KISS programs, and links

                           Also by this artist:

     KISRANKO.LZH - Female Ranma from "Ranma 1/2"
     KSKEICHI.LZH - Keiichi from "Aa! Megami-sama"
      BUGCHAN.LZH - The sweet and beautiful Bug-chan!
      2RANMAS.LZH - Male and female Ranma in one doll from "Ranma 1/2" (FKISS)

      CINDER2.LZH - Cinder and Her Automated Hairdresser (FKISS)
        GALLY.LZH - Gally from "Gunnm" (FKISS)
      ALIELLE.LZH - Alielle from "El Hazard" (FKISS)

  Dov Sherman can be contacted by e-mail at shermand@appstate.campus.mci.net


tnk.lzh 1996/09/20 10:25:16 48341バイト

Java KissChoco

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