349kis00022yav 1995/08/06 01:19:20 前へ 後へ 上へ

ks_ranko.lzh Ranma 1/2 - female Ranma ("

Ranma 1/2 - female Ranma ("Ranko") <Second Release>

This KISS doll is extremely greedy with memory as it uses a very high
number of cels and a high resolution.  You make experience some delay
during loading.  Be sure you are operating in a graphics mode which
supports 256 simultaneous colors and a resolution of at least 640x480.

Why is this file so big?  I was hoping to create the "definitive" Ranma
KISS doll.  I tried to draw nearly every outfit that Ranma has ever
worn and even a few extras.  Some of the colors are my own interpretation
since I had only black and white pictures from the manga to work from.

Why is this file called "Ranko"?  There was already a doll called Ranma
and I wanted this one to be easily distinguishable.  Also, you may
recognize *some* of the items in this set as being from a previous
Ranma doll made for Ken Stone's Paperdoll program.  I originally made
this doll for that program but, when I found KISS and got some extra
drive space, I ported my files from Paperdoll to KISS and have added
a LOT of new items and outfits.  To my knowledge, this is currently
the largest existing KISS doll to date.  I hope someone else makes even
bigger and better dolls to break my record.

This is actually the second release of this set.  I really didn't change
much about it since the first set.  What I did was put all the cels into
KISS GS2 format so they take up a LOT less disk space (although the amount
of run-time memory used doesn't change).  I also have included a bunch
of mini-CNF files so that, if you're having trouble with the amount
of run-time memory required, you just load a single page at a time.

How long did this doll take to construct?  I really have no idea but it
seemed like a really, really long time.  Keep in mind that often I spent
over an hour on any given item and that some outfits I spent several
hours on only to delete them and redraw them from scratch until I was
satisfied.  So how long did it take?  I don't want to think about it!

The final stats: 425 cels, 178 objects.  Enjoy!

Ranma 1/2 is trademarked and copyright of Rumiko Takahashi.
This file created by Dov Sherman.

ftp://ftp.tcp.com/pub/anime-manga/new から持ってきました.


KS_RANKO.LZH 1995/08/05 17:10:22 264321バイト

Java KissChoco

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