445kis00100/L 1996/10/12 09:08:37 前へ 後へ 上へ

KISS>Gally from "Gunnm"

Gunnm and Gally are copyright 1996 Yukito Kishiro/Sueisha, Inc.
Distribute Freely Anywhere, Charge No Money
This data set by Dov Sherman
FKISS optional (but it looks much better with FKISS)
World KISS Project
Statistics: 84 cels, 34 objects, 61 colors


                        Visit the Big KISS Page at
                 for KISS dolls, KISS programs, and links

                           Also by this artist:

         KISRANKO.LZH - Female Ranma
         KSKEICHI.LZH - Keiichi
         BUGCHAN.LZH - The sweet and beautiful Bug-chan!
         2RANMAS.LZH - Male and female Ranma in one doll (FKISS)
         CINDER.LZH - Cinder and Her Automated Hairdresser (FKISS)

  Dov Sherman can be contacted by e-mail at shermand@appstate.campus.mci.net


gally.lzh 1996/09/01 13:59:28 61155バイト



No Java Java

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