439kis00100/L 1996/10/12 08:54:00 前へ 後へ 上へ

KISS>Original Data "CINDER"

Introducing "Cinder" and her Automated Hairdresser
This data set by Dov Sherman
Copyright, trademark and so on belong to Dov Sherman, 1996
Distribute Freely Anywhere, Charge No Money
Free World Kiss Project
Stats: 123 objects, 477 cels, 136 colors, 4 sounds,
       too many hours in development

  I personally made up Cinder as a completely made up, original, made up
  character which I made up myself.

                        Visit the Big KISS Page at
                 for KISS dolls, KISS programs, and links

                          Also by this artist:

         KISRANKO.LZH - Female Ranma
         KSKEICHI.LZH - Keiichi
         BUGCHAN.LZH - The sweet and beautiful Bug-chan!
         2RANMAS.LZH - Male and female Ranma in one doll (FKISS)

  Dov Sherman can be contacted by e-mail at shermand@appstate.campus.mci.net


cinder.lzh 1996/09/01 13:57:16 457940バイト

fkisswav.cnf fkissau.cnf


No Java Java

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