#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $myname = "shz.cgi"; $title = '着せ替え総本山の遺産'; $color_text = '#000000'; $color_link = '#0000FF'; $color_vlink = '#800080'; $color_alink = '#FF0000'; $color_bg = '#FFFFE0'; $basedir = ''; $lha = '/usr/local/bin/lha'; $errorlog = "error-log"; $search_all = 1; $maxclients = 0; # Limit of Clients (0:unlimited) $maxclientreq = 0; # Limit of request per client (0:unlimited) $clientsfile = "clients"; $txbps = 0; # 転送速度 (bytes/sec, 0:unlimited) $config = "./"; require "$config" if -e $config; $remotehost = &getclient; binmode(STDIN); binmode(STDOUT); sub handler { local($sig) = @_; local(*F); $_ = &tmstr(localtime(time)) . " $myname[$$]: SIG{$sig} $remotehost\n $decode_buffer\n"; open(F, ">>$errorlog"); print F $_; close(F); &end; exit 0; } foreach ('HUP', 'INT', 'QUIT', 'ABRT', 'FPE', 'KILL', 'PIPE', 'ALRM', 'TERM') { $SIG{$_} = 'handler'; } sub service_unavailable { my($title, @clients) = @_; my($expires) = split(/\s/, shift @clients); my($retry_after) = $expires - $now; foreach (@clients) { ($expires, $host) = split(/\s/); if ($retry_after > $expires - $now) { $retry_after = $expires - $now; } } print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print "<html><head><title>$title</title></head>\n"; print "<body><h1>$title!</h1>\n"; if ($ENV{'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'} =~ /\bja/) { print "<p>あと $retry_after 秒お待ちください.</p>\n"; } else { print "<p>Please connect $retry_after seconds later.</p>\n"; } print "</body></html>\n"; } if ($ENV{'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'}) { # always returns 304 since data won't be updated. print "Status: 304 Not Modified\n\n"; exit 0; } if ($maxclients) { local(*F, @clients, @clientreq); if (!-e $clientsfile) { open(F, ">$clientsfile"); close(F); } open(F, "+<$clientsfile"); flock(F, 2); @clients = <F>; if (@clients >= $maxclients) { close(F); &service_unavailable('Too many clients', @clients); exit 0; } if ($maxclientreq && grep(/\d*\s+$remotehost\s/, @clients) >= $maxclientreq) { close(F); &service_unavailable('Too many requests', @clientreq); exit 0; } seek(F, 0, 0); push(@clients, "$$\t$remotehost $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}\n"); print F @clients; close(F); $clients = @clients; } &read_control; &decode; if ( $dl ) { &download; &end; exit 0; } print "Content-type: text/html; charset=Shift_JIS\n\n"; print "<html>\n"; print "\n"; print "<head>\n"; if ( $word ) { &search; } elsif ( $file ) { if ( $arno ) { &log_read; } else { &log_list; } } elsif ( $dump ) { &dump_file("$myname"); } else { &top_page; } print "</body>\n"; print "</html>\n"; &end; exit 0; sub make_anchor { local($link, $title) = @_; if ($java) { if ($link =~ /\?/) { $link = "$link;j=$java"; } else { $link = "$link?j=$java"; } } $anchor = "<a href=\"$link\">$title</a>"; } sub get_ttl { $file = $_[0]; $file2 = $file; $file2 =~ s/&/%26/; $tmp = $file; $tmp =~ y/a-z/A-Z/; &make_anchor("$myname?f=$file2", $tmp); print "<tr><td>$anchor</td>"; open(FI,"$basedir$file.idx") or print "<td>$!: $basedir$file.idx</td>"; binmode(FI); if ( read(FI,$buf,256) == 256 ) { $id = substr($buf,0x1a,8); $wtr = substr($buf,0x22,16); $ttl = substr($buf,0xb0,40); $ttl =~ s/\0.*//; print "<td>$ttl</td>"; } close(FI); print "</tr>\n"; } sub make_files { @files = ( 'anime', 'cgdata', 'cgtalk', 'comic', 'free', 'game', 'hgame', 'info', 'junkdata', 'junktalk', 'kissdata', 'kissinfo', 'kissq&a', 'kisstalk', 'ksug', 'local', 'music', 'needs', 'prof', 'proglib', 'progtalk', 'q&a', 'sfx', 'test', 'xxxdata', 'xxxtalk' ); } sub top_page { &make_files; &print_title($title); print "<div align=\"center\">\n"; print "<H2>$title</H2>\n"; &print_form; print "<table border=1>\n"; foreach $_ ( @files ) { &get_ttl( $_ ); } print "</table>\n"; print "</div>\n"; &print_java_select; print "<p align=right><a href=\"?dump=myself\"><code>$myname</code></a></p>\n"; } sub print_java_select { local($c); local($query) = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; $query =~ s/[;&]?j=\d//; $c = $query ? ';' : '?'; $query = '?' . $query if $query; print "<p>"; print "<a href=\"$query\">No Java</a> " if $java; print "<a href=\"${query}${c}j=1\">Java</a> " if $java != 1; print "<a href=\"${query}${c}j=2\">KissChoco</a> " if $java != 2; print "</p>\n"; } sub log_list_line { $id = substr($buf,0x1a,8); $wtr = substr($buf,0x22,16); $wtr =~ s/\0/ /g; $_ = substr($buf,0xb0,40); s/\0.*//; &enc_amp_lt_gt; $ttl = $_; &date_string( unpack("x172V",$buf) ); $flags = unpack("x54v", $buf); printf( "%4d:", $cnt ); if ($flags & 1) { print " " x 46 . "(削除)\n"; } else { print "$id $wtr $date "; ($pos,$len) = unpack("x224V2",$buf); print '●' if ( $len ); &make_anchor("$myname?f=$file2;n=$cnt", $ttl); print "$anchor\n"; } } sub log_list { $file2 = $file; $file2 =~ s/&/%26/; $tmp = $file; $tmp =~ y/a-z/A-Z/; open(FI,"$basedir$file.idx"); binmode(FI); if ( read(FI,$buf,256) == 256 ) { $_ = substr($buf,0xb0,40); s/\0.*//; &enc_amp_lt_gt; $ttl = $_; &print_title("$tmp : $ttl"); &make_anchor("$myname", "トップへ"); print "<div align=\"right\">$anchor</div>\n"; print "<H3>$tmp : $ttl</H3>\n"; } print "●印はバイナリデータがあります<br>\n"; print "<pre>"; $cnt = 1; while ( read(FI,$buf,256) == 256 ) { &log_list_line; $cnt++; } close(FI); print "</pre>\n"; &print_java_select; } sub dump { foreach $_ ( unpack( "C1000", $_[0] ) ) { printf( "%02x ", $_ ); } } sub print_file { local($filename) = @_; open F, $filename; while (<F>) { s#\$linkname#$myname/$name?f=$file2;dl=$arno#; print; } close F; } sub print_applet { local($width, $height, $fkiss, $trans); local($tmpfile) = "/tmp/Tmp$$"; open(FD,"$basedir$file.dat"); binmode(FD); seek(FD,$pos,0); read(FD,$tmp,$len); close(FD); $cnforg = $cnfname; $cnfname = "*.cnf *.CNF";# unless $cnfname; open FC, "| $lha p - $cnfname >$tmpfile"; binmode FC; print FC $tmp; close FC; if (!-e $tmpfile) { print "cannot create $tmpfile"; } open FC, "$tmpfile"; binmode FC; #print "<pre>\n"; $_ = <FC>; # :::::::: #print; $_ = <FC>; # cnf名 #print; chomp; $cnfname = $_; if (/.*[:\/]([^:\/]+)$/) { $cnfname = $1; } $cnforg = $cnfname unless $cnforg; $_ = <FC>; # :::::::: #print; print "<p>\n"; if ($cnfname ne $cnforg) { &make_anchor("shz.cgi?f=$file2;n=$arno", $cnfname); } else { $anchor = $cnfname; } print "$anchor\n"; while (<FC>) { #print; if (/^.?::::::::$/) { $_ = <FC>; #print; chomp; $cnfname = $_; if (/.*[:\/]([^:\/]+)$/) { $cnfname = $1; } $_ = <FC>; if ($cnfname ne $cnforg) { $cnfname2 = $cnfname; $cnfname2 =~ s/&/%26/g; &make_anchor("shz.cgi?f=$file2;n=$arno;cnfname=$cnfname2", $cnfname); } else { $anchor = $cnfname; } print "$anchor\n"; #print; } if ($cnfname eq $cnforg) { if (/^\((\d+)\D+(\d+)/) { $width = $1; $height = $2; } $fkiss = 1 if (/^;@\s*EventHandler/); $trans = 1 if (/^#[^;]+;%[tT]/); } } print "</p>\n"; close FC; unlink $tmpfile; $width = 448 unless $width; $height = 320 unless $height; $jar = $fkiss ? 'fkiss.jar' : 'kiss.jar'; $class = $fkiss ? 'Fkiss' : 'Kiss'; # &print_file("warnfkiss.txt") if $fkiss; # 対応済み # &print_file("warntrans.txt") if $trans; # 対応済み if ($cnfname) { $cnfname = $cnforg; undef @exsets; open FE, "./exsets"; while (<FE>) { chomp; local($f, $no, $cnf, $exf, $exno, $exname) = split(/;/); if ($f eq $file && $no eq $arno) { if ($cnf eq '' || $cnf eq $cnfname) { push(@exsets, ",shz.cgi/$exname?f=$exf;dl=$exno"); } } } close FE; local($jarname) = $name; $jarname =~ s/\.lzh$/.jar/i; if ($java == 4) { print "<p><object codetype=\"application/java\" codebase=\"./\" classid=\"java:$class\" archive=\"$jar\" width=$width height=$height>\n"; print "<param name=\"archive\" value=\"$jar\">\n"; print "<param name=\"lzh_name\" value=\"shz.cgi/$name?f=$file2;dl=$arno"; foreach (@exsets) { print; } print "\">\n"; print "<param name=\"cnf_name\" value=\"$cnfname\">\n"; open F, "noapplet.txt"; while (<F>) { s#\$linkname#shz.cgi/$name?f=$file2;dl=$arno#; print; } close F; print "</object></p>\n"; } elsif ($java == 3) { print "<p><object classid=\"clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93\"\n"; print "width=$width height=$height\n"; print "codebase=\",2,0,0\">\n"; print "<param name=\"code\" value=\"$class\">\n"; print "<param name=\"archive\" value=\"$jar\">\n"; print "<param name=\"type\" value=\"application/x-java-applet;version=1.2\">\n"; print "<param name=\"lzh_name\" value=\"shz.cgi/$name?f=$file2;dl=$arno"; foreach (@exsets) { print; } print "\">\n"; print "<param name=\"cnf_name\" value=\"$cnfname\">\n"; print "<embed type=\"application/x-java-applet;version=1.2\" width=$width height=$height\n"; print "code=\"$class\" archive=\"$jar\" lzh_name=\"shz.cgi/$name?f=$file2;dl=$arno"; foreach (@exsets) { print; } print "\" cnf_name=\"$cnfname\"\n"; print "pluginspace=\"\">\n"; print "<noembed>\n"; open F, "noapplet.txt"; while (<F>) { s#\$linkname#shz.cgi/$name?f=$file2;dl=$arno#; print; } close F; print "</noembed>\n"; print "</embed>\n"; print "</object></p>\n"; } elsif ($java == 2) { print "<p><applet code=KissChoco archive=\"\" width=$width height=".($height+52).">\n"; print "<param name=\"lzh\" value=\"shz.cgi/$name?f=$file2;dl=$arno;.lzh"; foreach (@exsets) { print; } print "\">\n"; print "<param name=\"cnf\" value=\"$cnfname\">\n"; open F, "noapplet.txt"; while (<F>) { s#\$linkname#shz.cgi/$name?f=$file2;dl=$arno#; print; } close F; print "</applet></p>\n"; } else { print "<p><applet code=$class archive=\"$jar\" width=$width height=$height>\n"; print "<param name=\"lzh_name\" value=\"shz.cgi/$name?f=$file2;dl=$arno"; foreach (@exsets) { print; } print "\">\n"; print "<param name=\"cnf_name\" value=\"$cnfname\">\n"; open F, "noapplet.txt"; while (<F>) { s#\$linkname#shz.cgi/$name?f=$file2;dl=$arno#; print; } close F; print "</applet></p>\n"; } } } sub print_navigation { $_ = $arno-1; print make_anchor("$myname?f=$file2;n=$_", "前へ") . " \n" if $arno > 1; $_ = $arno+1; print make_anchor("$myname?f=$file2;n=$_", "後へ") . " \n"; print make_anchor("$myname?f=$file2", "上へ") . "\n"; } sub log_read { $file2 = $file; $file2 =~ s/&/%26/; open(FI,"$basedir$file.idx"); binmode(FI); seek(FI,256*$arno,0); if ( read(FI,$buf,256) == 256 ) { $flags = unpack("x54v", $buf); if ($flags & 1) { $ttl = "(削除)"; } else { $id = substr($buf,0x1a,8); $wtr = substr($buf,0x22,16); $_ = substr($buf,0xb0,40); s/\0.*//; &enc_amp_lt_gt; $ttl = $_; &date_string( unpack("x172V",$buf) ); } &print_title($ttl, "nofollow"); $ref = unpack("x4v", $buf); print "<table width=\"100%\"><tr>\n"; print "<td width=\"5%\">$arno</td>"; print "<td width=\"10%\">$id</td>"; print "<td width=\"15%\">$wtr</td>"; print "<td width=\"50%\">$date</td>"; print "<td width=\"20%\" align=\"right\">\n"; &print_navigation(); print "</td></tr></table>\n"; print "<h3>$ttl</h3>\n"; unless ($flags & 1) { $_ = $ref; print "<a href=\"$myname?f=$file2;n=$_\">$ref</a>へのコメント<br>\n" if $ref > 1; ($pos,$len) = unpack("x216V2",$buf); #print "<p>pos=$pos len=$len<br>\n"; if ( $len ) { open(FD,"$basedir$file.dat"); binmode(FD); seek(FD,$pos,0); read(FD,$tmp,$len); #&dump( $tmp ); $_ = $tmp; s/\0.*//; s/\r\n/\n/g; s/\r/\n/g; &enc_amp_lt_gt; $tmp = $_; print "<hr><pre>$tmp</pre><hr>\n"; close(FD); } ($pos,$len) = unpack("x224V2",$buf); if ( $len ) { &date_string( unpack("x234V",$buf) ); &date_string2( unpack("x234V",$buf) ); $name = unpack("x238A12",$buf); #&dump( $tmp ); $name =~ s/\0.*//; print "<a href=\"$myname/$name?f=$file2;dl=$arno\">$name</a>"; print " $date $lenバイト\n"; &print_applet if $java && ($control{"$file\t$arno"} !~ /^b/); } print "<table width=\"100%\"><tr>\n"; print "<td>\n"; &print_java_select unless $control{"$file\t$arno"} =~ /^b/; print "<td align=\"right\">\n"; &print_navigation(); print "</td></tr></table>\n"; if ($control{"$file\t$arno"}) { &control_print("$file\t$arno"); } } } close(FI); } sub control_print { local($key) = @_; split(/\t+/, $control{$key}, 2); print $_[1]; } sub download { $_ = "$file\t$dl"; &download_inhibit($_) if $control{$_} =~ /^b/; open(FI,"$basedir$file.idx"); binmode(FI); seek(FI,256*$dl,0); if ( read(FI,$buf,256) == 256 ) { $flags = unpack("x54v", $buf); unless ($flags & 1) { open(FD,"$basedir$file.dat"); binmode(FD); ($pos,$len) = unpack("x224V2",$buf); if ( $len ) { &date_string( unpack("x234V",$buf) ); &date_string2( unpack("x234V",$buf) ); $name = unpack("x238A12",$buf); $name =~ s/\0.*//; print "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\n"; print "Content-Length: $len\n"; print "Last-Modified: $date2\n\n"; seek(FD,$pos,0); read(FD,$tmp,$len); print $tmp; } close(FD); } } close(FI); } sub download_inhibit { local($key) = @_; print "Content-type: text/html; charset=Shift_JIS\n\n"; print "<html>\n"; print "\n"; print "<head>\n"; &print_title("Deleted binary"); &control_print($key); print "</body></html>\n"; &end; exit 0; } sub decode { if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} =~ /POST/i) { read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); } else { $buffer = $ENV{'REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'} || $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } $decode_buffer = $buffer; @pairs = split(/[;&]/, $buffer); foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $file = $value if ( $name eq 'f' ); $arno = $value if ( $name eq 'n' ); $dl = $value if ( $name eq 'dl' ); $dump = $value if ( $name eq 'dump' ); $word = $value if ( $name eq 'word' ); $java = $value if ( $name eq 'j' ); $cnfname = $value if ( $name eq 'cnfname' ); $cnfname =~ s/[^-a-zA-Z0-9._@~&]//g; } } sub date_string { # 2038年問題が発生するかもしれません if ($_[0] < 0 || $_[0] > 0x7fffffff) { $date = '(illegal-time)'; return; } local($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($_[0]); $date = sprintf("%d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year+1900, $month+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); } sub date_string2 { $date2 = '(illegal-time)'; # 2038年問題が発生するかもしれません $date2 = &tmstr(gmtime($_[0])) if ($_[0] >= 0 && $_[0] <= 0x7fffffff); } sub tmstr { sprintf("%s, %02d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", (Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat)[$_[6]], $_[3], (Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec)[$_[4]], $_[5] + 1900, $_[2], $_[1], $_[0]); } sub print_title { local($title, $attr) = @_; print "<title>$title</title>\n"; print "<meta name=\"ROBOTS\" content=\"NOFOLLOW\">\n" if $attr =~ /nofollow/; print "</head>\n"; print "\n"; print "<body bgcolor=\"$color_bg\" text=\"$color_text\" link=\"$color_link\" vlink=\"$color_vlink\" alink=\"$color_alink\">\n"; print "\n"; } sub dump_file { local($file) = @_; local(*F); &print_title($file); print "<h1><code>$file</code></h1>\n"; print "<pre>"; open(F, $file); while (<F>) { &enc_amp_lt_gt; print; } close(F); print "</pre>\n"; } sub enc_amp_lt_gt { s/&/&/g; s/</</g; s/>/>/g; } # アクセス制御ファイル "control" を読み込み %control にその内容をセット # %control は "$file\t$no" をキーとし "$mode\t$comment" という値 # sub read_control { local($_, $file, $no, $mode, $comment, *F); if (open(F, "control")) { while (<F>) { next if /^#/; s/\r?\n$//; next if split(/[ \t]+/, $_, 4) < 2; $file = $_[0]; $no = $_[1]; $mode = $_[2] if $_[2]; $comment = $_[3] if $_[3]; $control{"$file\t$no"} = "$mode\t$comment"; } close(F); } } sub print_form { print "<form action=\"$myname\">"; print "<input type=\"text\" name=\"word\" value=\"\">"; print "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"検索\">"; print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"j\" value=\"$java\">" if $java; print "</form>"; } sub search { &make_files; $_ = $word; &enc_amp_lt_gt; $ttl = "検索結果 : $_"; &print_title($ttl); print "<div align=\"right\"><a href=\"$myname\">トップへ</a></div>\n"; print "<H3>$ttl</H3>\n"; print "●印はバイナリデータがあります<br>\n"; $word =~ s/([\\\^\.\$\|\(\)\[\]\*\+\?\{\}])/\\$1/g; # quotemeta @words = split(/ /, $word); $total_hit = 0; foreach $_ ( @files ) { if ($search_all || !(/data/ || /lib/)) { &log_search( $_ ); $total_hit += $hit; } } print "<p>$total_hit 件見つかりました。</p>"; } sub matched { local($word); foreach $word (@words) { return 0 unless ($tmp =~ /$word/); } return 1; } sub log_search { local($file) = @_; local($flags); $file2 = $file; $file2 =~ s/&/%26/; $board = $file; $board =~ y/a-z/A-Z/; open(FI, "$basedir$file.idx"); binmode(FI); open(FD, "$basedir$file.dat"); binmode(FD); if (read(FI, $buf, 256) == 256) { $_ = substr($buf, 0xb0, 40); s/\0.*//; &enc_amp_lt_gt; $ttl = $_; } $hit = 0; $cnt = 1; while (read(FI, $buf, 256) == 256) { ($pos, $len) = unpack("x216V2", $buf); $flags = unpack("x54v", $buf); if ($len && !($flags & 1)) { seek(FD, $pos, 0); read(FD, $tmp, $len); if (&matched) { print "<h4>$board : $ttl</h4>\n<pre>\n" unless $hit; &log_list_line; $hit++; } } $cnt++; } print "</pre>\n" if $hit; } sub end { if ($maxclients) { local(*F, @clients); open(F, "+<$clientsfile"); flock(F, 2); @clients = <F>; grep(s/^$$\t.*\n$//, @clients); truncate(F, 0); seek(F, 0, 0); print F @clients; close(F); } } sub getclient { local($_, $r); $_ = $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'} || $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}; $_ = gethostbyaddr(pack('C4',split(/\./,$_)),2) || $_ if /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/; $r = $_; $_ = $ENV{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'}; if ($_) { if (/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ && !&isprivateip($_)) { $_ = gethostbyaddr(pack('C4',split(/\./,$_)),2); } $r = "$r/$_"; } $r; } sub isprivateip { local(@ip) = split(/\./, $_[0]); (($ip[0] == 10) || ($ip[0] == 172 && $ip[1] >= 16 && $ip[1] <= 31) || ($ip[0] == 192 && $ip[1] == 168)); }